3 Obscure Word Twittles

Heather Lee

I found twittles by finding Wire Editor Newman. Wire Editor Newman’s twittles led me to Lu Skerdoo twittles. Then I was reading Carolyn Hastings who started the twittle craze. Thanks to all of you!

Here are the twittle rules as I understand them.

· 4 lines

· Some kind of rhyming

· 100 letters, no more no less.

Punctuation does not count as part of the 100.

Here goes!

Photo taken by Daughter

Sweat beads heavy on my brow

Cenosillicaphobia, alas, has me cowed

An empty glass, no more beer.

I helplessly whimper in fear.

Note: Cenosillicaphobia is the fear of an empty beer glass.

Vote for me! The politician pleas

We know better however

Being a snollygoster will cost her

When we can see beyond the plea.

Note: snollygoster is the word for an unprincipled, shrewd person.

The urge is there. I tap my feet.

Socks off followed by my shirt

Apodysophilia doesn’t hurt

Until I run from police on the beat.

Note: Apodysophilia is the uncontrollable desire to strip in public.

Photo taken by Daughter

Hope you enjoyed the read as much as I enjoyed the write!

A twittle nod to Lu Skerdoo, Carolyn Hastings, Wire Editor Newman, Charles The Scientist, Shelia Mccall, and Susan Christiana

Responses (6)

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Thank you, Heather, for tagging the other writers into your story. Unless writers tag me into their twittle stories, I don't always find them and so they miss out on being added to the Twittle Treasury list and included in twittle celebrations.


Heather Lee.

Twittle de de, poem s quite silly,
Makes life so much fun, for those on the run, so please take some times for cute little rhymes.

Tagging @Wire Editor Newman
@Carolyn Hastings, @Heather Lee, @ Lu Skerdoo and @Denise Kending...


What FUN twittles!
I’ve never attempted any, but I enjoy reading them.
Especially these. I really like how you incorporated three obscure words.
Great job!!
