5 Vowel Haiku, and Sometimes Y

Heather Lee

You’ve heard of a haiku, right? A haiku is three lines. The first and third are 5 syllables. The second line is seven syllables. This gives the haiku a total of 17 syllables. It doesn’t rhyme. Haiku poems have Japanese origins and are focused on the natural world. Nowadays, many countries have embraced the form. Every subject is fair game. For example, see how much fun I had with vowels!

yellow braille scrabble squares sit on a white background in a line with the vowels a, e, i, o, u, and y.
Photo taken by Daughter



When answering any call

From anybody.


Ever wonder why

E is everywhere except

Alas, not in you.


I think indeed it

Is interesting only

if I imagine.


Notice how slow one’s

Thoughts go when holding close to

A slow long O sound?


Until you use your

Blue and purple umbrella

You will be useless.

And sometimes…


Your yin and yang laugh

At your yearning yell asking

Why and why and why.

Yellow braille scrabble squares sit on white background alternaing up and down spelling the word poetry.
Photo taken by Daughter

Have a very A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y day!

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