Are You Ready For NaNoWriMo?

Heather Lee

National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, is simple. Starting at 12a.m. on November 1 and ending at midnight on November 30, anyone and everyone is invited to write 50,000 words of a new novel. That averages out to around 1,667 words per day. NaNoWriMo has become internationally famous, but the concept is humble. This is a personal challenge anyone can take on. There aren’t awards or prizes other than the self-satisfaction you will feel on December 1 when you have the first draft of a new novel ready to go into revision. Sound interesting? Like a writing challenge? Are you just hearing about this and would like to try it but don’t have a clue where to start? Well, here you go! Below are 5 ideas for each of the 5 basic parts of a story. I invite you to use any and all ideas that tickle your fancy.

1. Characters

· The boy in the baseball cap holding up a bicycle much too small for him

· the weathered old lady with the salt and pepper hair and the faded shoes

· an angry purple duck

· the dusty blue teapot forgotten on the top shelf

· the newborn baby who just opened her eyes for the first time

2. Setting

· In the blue sky forever

· The smallest cage in the lowest dungeon of the tallest castle

· Midway up in the #5 rocking ferris wheel car

· Under the softest green blankets in the most comfortable room

· In the lightning flash on a dark and stormy night

3. Plot

· She opened her eyes into nowhere.

· If the butler didn’t do it, who did?

· They were in it for the rubber chicken.

· He had to know so he turned the page.

· The animals decided to make her happy.

4. Conflict

· The agoraphobic willed himself to leave the house.

· The teacher looked away so the student threw the pencil.

· The child managed to alert every hungry wolf in the deep forest.

· The stuffed squid readied himself for the intervention he knew was waiting.

· The locals knew the dead girl’s voice could be heard on the breeze of a stormy night.

5. Resolution

· Sighing happily, he floated away.

· They didn’t know where the path would take them, but they were ready.

· Clouds cleared.

· Happiness was an illusion she would enjoy for a while longer.

· You should see the other guy.

NaNoWriMo may seem like an overwhelming concept, but the idea is very simple. Just write. Write every day. Repeat “it is only a month” to yourself over and over again. You have an end goal. Try it. I dare you.

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