At a Random Point in Summer, My Thoughts Turn to Fall
There’s no going back.

One moment I am enjoying
watermelon dripping down my chin
flittering butterflies
movies in the park.
Then cracks a dry branch underfoot
Or a falling leaf tangles in my hair.
Or a summer cookout smells too much like a smores bonfire
The trigger can be anything.
I never see it coming.
My mind turns.
It never turns back.
For me, summer is over.
I yearn for
walks down sidewalks through crispy, crunchy earth colored leaves
Scarecrows welcoming the wayward traveler into corn husk labyrinths
High school football games with parents gossiping in the bleachers.
I need pumpkin everything.
Spaghetti, acorn, and butternut squash find themselves on every dinner table.
The warming smell of crock pot soup suffuses the evening hours.
Apple cider doughnuts are the dessert of choice.
For your sake, I will continue to play summer,
Like summer is not over for me,
But in my head, I am
Measuring you for your Halloween costume
Creating the Thanksgiving table centerpiece
Changing out screens for storm Windows.
Fall has begun;
You just don’t see it yet.