Darling Starlings
A twittle

The two starlings in the attic
Think they’re fantastic darlings.
I need them to become history
Instead of a bit of a mystery.
From what secret “where” did they get in?
They crash against the window
They are not subtle of decision
It’s time for them to go.
Son flings the window wide
The birds, oblivious to his tries,
Fly to the opposite side.
Daughter steps up, another sacrifice.
Go, birds, go! Son and Daughter shout
Using hoots and waving hands.
The darling starlings fly low
Into cool air Out the window.
Last week’s adventure involving 2 Starlings stuck in my attic was the perfect opportunity to dust off my twittle skills.

Want to give a twittle a try? Checkout this new poetic form created by Carolyn Hastings by clicking on the link below! Enjoy and thanks, Carolyn!