Deep Dive into Delightful & De-Lovely
Tagged for my first Medium challenge
Thank you to Caroline Baker whose answers to the Deep Dive Challenge can be read here.

Okay, here goes:
1. What is your favorite book and why?
Like most others who answered this challenge, there isn’t one favorite book. There are many, many favorites. Books are my second love, and they are only second because my children are priority #1. The first books that come to mind in my brain library are:
· A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara and narrated by Oliver Wyman
· The Graveyard Book written and narrated by Neil Gaiman
· The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas and narrated by Peter Batchelor
· The Stupidest Angel: A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror by Christopher Moore with narration by Tony Roberts.
As a blind girl, my books are audiobooks. That being the case, the narrator becomes a vital part of the experience. A narrator can make or break a book for me.
If you want to know my least favorite book, read this:
2. What is your favorite quote and why?
Instead of trying to pick one from the plethora of mine, I will refer you to Blogs by J who shared one of the most beautiful quotes I have heard.
3. What is your favorite poetry verse and why?
“Nothing gold can stay.” From Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost. It may be overused and cliché at this point, but I read The Outsiders when I was 13. Anything you read at age 13 which you find profound and mind-blowing winds up sticking with you for the rest of your life. Decades later, I compliment people with the phrase “You’re golden.” People think I am just saying good job. They don’t understand I am referencing the Frost poem and paying them the highest, most beloved, and most precious of my compliments. Not everyone deserves Frost.
4. Who is your favorite writer and why?
I feel like this question goes along with the first question because wouldn’t your favorite books be written by your favorite writers? Either way, how do I love my nonfiction? Let me count the writers.
· Erik Larson
· Susan Cain
· Mary Roach
· Caitlin Doughty
· Jenny Lawson has become my most recent favorite.
5. Who is your favorite poet and why?
Two recent discoveries whom I am obsessing over right now are Billy Collins and Ocean Vuong.
6. What is your favorite color and why?
I haven’t always been blind so I do understand color from a sighted person’s perspective. To find out my favorite color, read this post:
7. What is your preferred animal and why?
I am a dog person. I don’t have a guide dog. I have 2 average, dumb, and fiercely loyal dogs. They are the reason I will not invite you over if we become friends. My dogs don’t understand how to share their house people.
8. What is your favorite movie and why?
· Elizabethtown starring Orlando Bloom
· Harvey with Jimmy Stewart
· Almost Famous starring Kate Hudson
· Stranger then Fiction with Maggie Gyllenhaal
· The Road movies starring Bing Crosby and Bob Hope
I don’t think I can ever pick one of anything except maybe my favorite color. (See above.) However, I like all of these movies for the same reasons. They have memorable, quirky characters that hold my attention, make me laugh, and with whom I would like to have coffee.
9. What is your favorite music piece and why?
I read Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole by Susan Cain. Now my morning alarm plays Adagio in G Minor by Tomaso Albinoni. This piece reminds me that there is sadness everywhere. Those who survive the day have to rise and carry on the next day for those who can’t.
10. What is your favorite song and why?
I have always had a theme song. In the 80’s when everything was dramatic teenage girl it was I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight by Cutting Crew. The 90’s were my upheaval years. I graduated high school, college, married, friends and relatives passed away. Naturally the theme became It’s So Hard to Say Good-bye to Yesterday by Boys II Men. With the welcoming of the new century, I also welcomed children into my life. I am not religious, but for the early 2000’s, I knew the theme song of Veggie Tales by heart. The morals were great, that show was clever, and the songs were catchy. In 2008, I embraced I’m Yours by Jason Mraz. In the last several months, my newest theme has become Dancing on my Own — the remake by Calum Scott because his remake is much more haunting and hits deeper than the original. I’m sure this one question alone is a good reason for me to look into therapy.
11. What would you call yourself if you had to choose another name and why?
I’ve already been through several name changes. I am happy with my name as it is. Although, I always thought I could have pulled off a rather regal and elegant Winter Lee. No nicknames, please. See the post below regarding thoughts I have had about my name.
12. What are your hobbies?
Listening to audiobooks. I recently climbed out of my couch comfort zone and joined a book club which is my new favorite thing. I was delighted to find Wordle is now screen reader friendly. I play the Dice World app as that company is also blind friendly. If you want to play against me, I am HLeeBlindsided.
13. Do you remember an article on Medium you found exceptional and why?
It has been months since I read this article by Wire Editor Newman, but I still have BIG feelings regarding his post. I find myself coming back to this article every few weeks to once again ponder the cause and effects that flowed through the story.
Thank you to Subhi Najar for the original post which you can view here.
I am going to tag barry robinson. Maybe if Caroline Baker and I both tag him, he will answer the call. Ha!
I will also call forth Lu Skerdoo as she always puts a smile on my face.
Looking forward to answers, people!