Icebox Tetris Time

Heather Lee

A freezer door hangs open revealing three very full shelves filled with precariously stacked boxes.
Photo taken by Daughter

Pot pies pushed

Butter stacked sideways

Pink mochi mashed

Butter brickle behind

Apple pie angled

Tater tots tilted

Chicken taquitos checked

Beef patties placed

Dark roast divided.

Empty ice tray.

A mostly empty icebox with not even enough ice to fill the bottom.
Photo taken by Daughter

Responses (3)

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I'm hungry now 😉


this was very cute. And I understand it very well.


Hello Heather!
I saw you mentioned in Trisha Faye’s apology to you story.
So I wanted to come over & follow you and read a story.
I’ll be back for more later!
Loved your ice box Tetris. I think many of us can relay with your words!