I’m a Muggle Dreaming of Magic
Keeley Schroder’s Potterhead This or That
It’s been a while since I have thought of Harry Potter and crew so I was excited when I saw this challenge. It gave me a chance to air out my robes and dust off my wand! Thanks, Keeley Schroder!

1. Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans or Chocolate Frogs?
If I can catch ’em, chocolate frogs.
2. Fluffy or Aragog?
I am such a dog person! I think I would have to revamp the rules for tug o’ war however.
3. Dursleys or Malfoys?
Even though in the end, Dudley did understand Harry’s importance (in the books and to a degree) none of the Dursleys will ever truly get what Harry Potter went through. Malfoys all the way.
4. History of Magic or Quidditch Through The Ages?
I trip over my own feet so History of Magic.
5. Hermione or Luna?
Hermione is my girl.
6. Expelliarmus or Crucio?
Killing a person changes you no matter how evil that person is. Knock ’em off their pegs and run!
7. Moaning Myrtle or Headless Nick?
They were each helpful in their own way, but I found Headless Nick less annoying.
8. Owl or Cat?
A cat named Curiosity who cuddles and catches creatures for me.
9. Herbology or Divination?
Sadly, I lack a green thumb. Up to the Divination room I go.
10. Professor Snape or Professor McGonagall?
Professor McGonagall was my favorite brilliant character in the books. When talking movies, however, Alan Rickman and Maggie Smith both shone in their portrayals of these characters.
11. Hogwarts Express or Ford Anglia?
Hogwarts Express. I don’t want Ron driving me anywhere.
12. Harry or Cedric?
Harry. Always Harry. I also would like to have seen more of the kid who played Oliver Wood.
13. Dumbledore or Voldemort?
Is that even a question?! Always Dumbledore.
14. Invisibility Cloak or Polyjuice Potion?
The Polyjuice Potion wears off. The Invisibility cloak is for life.
15. Professor Lupin or Professor Lockhart?
Professor Lupin was handed a rough life but his heart was gold.
16. Elder wand or Harry’s wand?
Harry’s wand will help me stay on the straight and narrow.
17. Dobby or Nagini?
How could I not go with Dobby?
18. Azkaban or Snape’s Dungeon?
Snape’s dungeon has so much more to offer.
19. Seeker or Chaser?
Technically, I can’t do either as I am blind, but if I did still have eyesight, I would choose Chaser. There is too much pressure on the Seeker. Wait…if I used the Polyjuice Potion would I be able to use that person’s eyeballs? Hermione is amazed at how bad Harry’s vision is when they all use Polyjuice potion to become him in book 6. Oh! Maybe I need to change my answer to #14.
20. The Quibbler or The Daily Prophet?
Always base your knowledge on fact so I would read the Quibbler.
Bonus question: Books or Movies?
Books. Always books. Yes, the movies can be watched and enjoyed, but if the book came first, the answers from the books are the ultimate correct answers when arguing trivia questions.
Here’s the link to Keeley Schroder’s original post with the questions. Copy, paste, and play! It was fun to return to the Wizarding World. I’d love to read your answers.