Your Mother Reminds You to be Kind
On Mother’s Day, your restaurant’s wait staff are people, too.

WBBM 780AM All News radio caught my ear this morning. Be kind to your wait staff when taking Mom out this Mother’s Day, said the morning host.
What does that mean? I googled. The results were shocking.
From The Bitchy Waiter:
Every server knows that working on Mother’s day is hell. In fact, if (when?) I go to hell, I completely expect it to be a Mother’s day 365 a year there and I will be the only server working a massive buffet with no bus boy.
From The Daily Meal:
A major issue is the lofty expectations of customers, who expect food and service that is beyond reproach during the holiday. This sense of entitlement is an issue across all types of dining establishments, including both fancy and casual restaurants.
From KTVZ:
It gets “jam-packed. People are calling at the last minute for a reservation, there are other people who made multiple reservations so Mom could have her pick and they never cancel… people who take out their mother once a year tell you ‘Nothing can go wrong!’
I never knew Mother’s Day could be so nightmarish for restaurant staff. Please remember, everyone, as you take out your moms to be kind to not only the women who have raised, loved, and nurtured you, but also be kind to the people who can spit in your food if you forget your manners.
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